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2022.12.09 Happy OPRversary!

The Organism for Poetic Research is delighted to invite you to our final event of the semester, the 10th (11th) OPR-versary Party! Please join us to celebrate (over) a decade of the Organism’s illustrious existence with poetry readings by OPR members old and new, as well as drinks and snacks, general festivity and shared enthusiasm.  

RSVP here 🙂

When: 6:30 PM; Friday December 9th, 2022
Where: In person in the NYU English Department Event Space (ground floor) at 244 Greene Street, NYC. 

IMPORTANT: All in-person guests not affiliated with NYU must RSVP and bring proof of vaccination (fully vaccinated plus 1 booster minimum). NYU attendees are required to show their Violet Go Pass.