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Medium Light Soluble, Jeff T. Johnson

Medium Light Soluble, Jeff T. Johnson from OPR on Vimeo.

Medium Light Soluble was filmed in one take on an iPad while Slumber Party played on the stereo in my former apartment. Claire Donato held the camera while I opened and inspected the letter from OPR. Several weeks later, I recorded audio of an improvisatory gleaning of language from the letter. I added the secondary audio track via iMovie, keeping original audio as ambience (stereo sound, rustling paper, breathing). I had in mind a scene from Richard Linklater’s Slacker, in which a few twenty-somethings wander through an abandoned apartment reading a fractured narrative from postcards presumably left by a former inhabitant. My interest in overlapping time/space in audio-visual format, along with a desire to amplify each muted element, is perhaps apparent.