2024.11.21 Observations at 100:
Celebrating Marianne Moore
We at NYU English – the Some Contemporary Poetries (SCP) Initiative, along with the Organism for Poetic Research (OPR) – are hosting a celebration to mark the 100th Anniversary of Marianne Moore’s Observations (1924) on November 21, 2024, 3:00 PM onwards (with refreshments, many breaks, conviviality). The event will feature readings, including a choral reading or two; a roundtable discussion with scholars Linda Leavell (Holding On Upside Down: The Life and Work of Marianne Moore, 2013) Heather Cass White (New Collected Poems of Marianne Moore, 2019) and Emily Lobb (Doctoral Candidate, Princeton English); and a series of brief “Observations on Observations” – in which participants offer their responses to Moore (and/or Observations) in any mode, critical or creative. We warmly invite you to attend any or all parts of the program! Registration is required for all attendees; please fill out this form to RSVP to the event. The program outline is as follows:
3:00 pm—Welcome Reception
3:30 pm—Some More Moore: Linda Leavell, Heather Cass White, Emily Lobb
5:00 pm—Reception 2
5:30 pm—Observations on Observations: Robyn Isaac Robertson (NYU); Rachael Clifford (Princeton); Alliya Dagman (NYU); Lottie Page (Princeton); Louise Akers (NYU); Eliza Browning (Princeton); Celine Shanosky (Harvard); Finn Le Maitre (Princeton)
6:30 pm—Reception 3
7:00 pm—Voicing Moore: A Reading
Feel free to reach out to alliya.dagman@nyu.edu if you have any questions or suggestions!